Update May 2022 - All software has been updated to .NET Core 6.0 and NNnit 3.0. Its is available on my github page
The General Matrix package
This assembly provides the fundamental operations of numerical linear algebra such as addition, substraction, multiplication, normalization and decomposition. This a .NET port of the JAMA package from NIST. 
The AHP package
Implementation the AHP model of Thomas Saaty. This version has been adapted for the agile development methodology. Instead of the separate test driver, the NUnit test classes are part of the assembly.. The AHP uses GeneralMatrix.
The Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm
The .NET version of the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm (LMA). The LMA fits a 1 D function of x in a multidimensional parameter space (f(x) = F(a0,...,an)(x) to a set of experimentally measured data [y].
This assembly also contains set of fit test funtions that run as NUnit functions. Vstudio project file as well as the NAnt build file are also included. I'm also using the General Matrix for matrix operations.
Optimization Assemblies
This assembly contains 2 non gradient optimization routines: Nelder-Mead, Rosenbrock as well as 2 quasi-gradient methods: Davidon - Fletcher - Powell and BCFG.
This assembly also contains set of fit test funtions that run as NUnit functions.